The first projects to prospect the stereo photography use to measure sea surface topography was presented by 1, 2. Stereo imaging measurement of the sea surface elevation is based on single snapshots or time records captured by a pair of synchronized and calibrated cameras. In this context, this open dataset aims to provide, for the first time, valuable stereo measurements collected in different seas and wave conditions to invite the ocean-wave scientific community to continue exploring these data and to contribute to a better understanding of the nature of the sea surface dynamics. The analysis of stereo images provides a direct measurement of the wavefield without the need of any linear-wave theory assumption, so it is particularly interesting to investigate the nonlinearities of the surface, wave-current interaction, rogue waves, wave breaking, air-sea interaction, and potentially other processes not explored yet. Stereo data fill the existing wide gap between sea surface elevation time-measurements, like the local observation provided by wave-buoys, and large-scale ocean observations by satellites.

Typically, this technique allows retrieving the 4-D ocean topography (3-D space + time) at high frequency (up to 15–20 Hz) over a sea surface region of area ~10 4 m 2. Stereo imaging of the sea surface elevation provides unique field data to investigate the geometry and dynamics of oceanic waves.